Saturday, February 15, 2014

Social Media Questions Answered

On Saturday, February 1, we had such a great response at the Town Hall Meeting that we were unable to ask the questions submitted via social media. We have since sat down with HPD Chief Charles McClelland, and he has answered the questions asked by our Facebook and Twitter followers. Thank you everyone who submitted questions. 


The state of Texas allows for concealed carry when a person has successfully completed a Concealed Handgun Licensing Program. When an HPD officer stops a CHL holder on traffic, that person must show their concealed handgun license and tell the officer if they have a weapon in their car and where it is. 

Officers are a group of people like any other group, and have the ability to form their own opinions.  While officers have their own personal opinions on whether citizens should have an ability to carry a concealed weapon, HPD officers enforce state and federal laws regardless of their personal opinions and remain impartial.


Mayor Parker created the Independent Police Oversight Board (IPOB) to have community involvement in various aspects of HPD services.  The panel consists of 29 members appointed by the mayor.  Members are experts in criminal justice and include retired judges, prosecutors and civil rights attorneys.  The IPOB has access to all records and reviews all internal affairs investigations, and makes recommendations to the Chief of Police regarding discipline.  They also review and make recommendations on training procedures and hiring of new officers.  

In 2013 the number of IAD complaints received by HPD was a record low.  There were 235 complaints filed by citizens against officers, in comparison to 1,178 commendations filed by citizens applauding efforts of HPD employees last year. 

The goal of HPD is to have the most professional police department in the United States, with a strong emphasis on providing good customer service.  We welcome the input of the IPOB and citizens. 


I’m sorry that you had to sit in traffic before the event.  When locations such as the Reliant complex have events, the traffic control functions are coordinated directly by Reliant, using law enforcement officers from various agencies through extra employment.  


Yes, external vests will be an optional part of the uniform for officers.


Door to door solicitors are regulated by Houston city ordinance and community deed restrictions.  Solicitors who are requesting donations for a charitable organization are required by ordinance to have a permit; all other solicitors are not required to have a permit.  However, police officers have limited abilities to enforce door to door solicitation when solicitors leave when asked and do not enter posted private properties.  Therefore, it is up to each individual neighborhood to work with their homeowner’s associations to enforce violations of their deed restrictions.      

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